Descending into darker part of the year, descending into deep rest

Descending into Darker Part of the Year, Descending into Deep Rest

As the days grow shorter and the nights longer, we find ourselves descending into the darker part of the year. The transition from the vibrant warmth of summer to the cool embrace of autumn brings with it a shift in energy and a beckoning towards introspection.

Nature mirrors this transformation beautifully. The once lush and colorful landscape slowly fades into a tapestry of earthy hues, inviting us to slow down and embrace the change. The air carries a crispness that invigorates the senses, whispering secrets of the approaching stillness. Take a walk in the early morning enjoying the mystical fog enveloping nature, breathing in the crispness and earthy smell of decaying leaves, which for me smells rich, melancholic and stimulates the child within.

Our own descent within

In this season of transition, we too are called to descend into deep rest. Just as the earth takes a needed respite during the winter months, so too must we honor the rhythm of our bodies and minds. It is a time for reflection, for turning inward, and for nourishing our souls. Try creating small celebrations, such as lighting the candle together and singing a song that’s special for your little clan, sharing a prayer or a vision, having a meal together that you have blessed and thanked together. Special meaningful time together, without distraction of modern technology, such as playing card games, board games, drawing and creating arts and crafts together, or simply wrapping up cosy, going outside on a starry night and enjoying the beauty of cosmos and our magical gift of witnessing it and experiencing life. Be grateful for harvests that came in for us this year, take time to be truly present.

As we descend into the darker part of the year, let us remember that this is not a time of stagnation, but rather an opportunity for growth and renewal. It is a chance to shed what no longer serves us and to embrace the beauty of stillness. Just as the earth prepares for a future season of blossoming, so too do we lay the groundwork for our own personal and spiritual growth. I like to give myself time to enjoy warmth of fire, long bath time with a good read, small rituals and social gatherings to warm the hearts.

Reflect, organize, improve and let go

Just as the seed within the earth needs time to germinate and break through its own casing and afterwards earth, so too do we. In this season of descent, we are invited to embrace the transformative power of darkness and rest. Just as the seed must surrender to the darkness of the soil in order to grow, we too must surrender to the depths of our own being. Working with our shadow is a greatest work we can do for ourselves and for people around us. Clearing stuck emotions, trapped trauma and anything that doesn’t serve our existence anymore. Practices of connecting to elements of nature reveal to us whats within and bring to surface, then its up to us to organize, improve, and let go. As well working on your bodily meridians through acupressure, massage and aromatherapy becomes a great tool in unlocking whats within.

During this time of introspection, we can reflect on the layers that encase us and hold us back. Like the seed breaking through its own casing, we have the opportunity to break free from the limitations and constraints that no longer serve us. It is in the darkness that we find the strength and resilience to overcome obstacles and emerge stronger than before.

Sprout and grow

Just as the seed needs the nourishing soil to grow, we too need to nourish ourselves during this time of rest. It is a time to replenish our energy, to listen to our bodies, and to engage in practices that bring us joy and peace.

So let us embrace the descent, knowing that it is a vital part of the cycle of growth. Let us surrender to the darkness, trusting that within it lies the potential for our own blossoming. Just as the earth holds the seeds of future beauty, so too do we hold the seeds of our own brilliance.

Your way…

Share with me your experience of ours and natures yearly descent into darkness, your own methods of going through it, and tips you could share with us, for the growth of us all…

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